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terça-feira, 03 outubro 2023
HomeBeleza'Hijarbie', a boneca que representa a mulher muçulmana

‘Hijarbie’, a boneca que representa a mulher muçulmana

Hijarbie (Foto: Reprodução/Instagram)

Criada pela artista nigeriana Haneefah Adam, ‘Hijarbie’ é uma homenagem às mulheres muçulmanas. A partir de uma transformação das bonecas, surge a representatividade de uma parcela feminina a quem cabe uma série de estereótipos, principalmente pelo uso do hijab. Por isso o nome ‘Hijarbie’, numa juntão de hijab –  o lenço utilizado pelas mulheres, geralmente a partir dos 9 anos – e Barbie.

O trabalho de Hanefaah é de grande importância visto que a cultura muçulmana tem sido representada, principalmente pela mídia, de maneira ilegítima, com base no senso-comum que assimila muçulmanos a terroristas.

Para disseminar a proposta, a nigeriana criou uma conta no instagram, onde publica a foto das bonecas. Em alguns casos, a artista disponibiliza também uma foto da mulher na qual a produção foi inspirada. No segundo caso, junto às imagens há informações sobre a importância dos feitos da homenageada. Antes de conferir a beleza dessas bonecas, vale conhecer a beleza de quem teve essa brilhante ideia, Haneefah Adam:

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I'm Haneefah Adam (@muslimahanie) a Nigerian and I'm behind #Hijarbie! I also currently own and run a modest lifestyle brand, Hanie (@haniecollection). If you'd like to ask me anything. I'd do my best to answer them now. Meanwhile, some FAQs. Why isn't the page diversified in terms of race: The simple truth is, I couldn't find the Different types in Nigeria (no Amazon or eBay or anything, Lol), I'd have loved to dress up a black doll myself too. I've ordered for some internationally and they'll soon be here ???? I basically started with what I had. When will purchase be possible: As soon as possible, we are in the process of building a website and working towards production and making hijarbie available for purchase soon. By the way, where are my followers from? xx

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Agora, confira as ‘Hijarbies’!

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Samah Safi Bayazid, a 28-year-old award winning filmmaker lives in Washington DC-USA. She studied filmmaking and screenwriting at New York Film Academy in New York City. Samah started working professionally in the filmmaking field since she was 22 years old, to be one of the pioneers professional Muslim filmmakers in the industry. Samah has merged her passion in faith with filmmaking to produce unique humanitarian and Islamic entertainment for audiences in the West and East, such as Short films, PSAs, TV Campaigns, TV programs, Documentaries, Drama series and Music videos. With her husband Director Muhammad Bayazid, her life and work partner, they produced the first American drama series “Inspiration” that shows the morals of the prophet Muhammad PBUH through a dramatic plot, with over 50 million views, it has been translated into 16 different languages and it won the best Creative project in ICDA Dubai Festival. Her latest film “Orshena”, a short film that addresses the refugees issue around the world and the hardship of losing their beloved ones has been officially selected for many international film festivals and won lately the Award of Excellence in Indie Film Festival in California- USA. Her latest PSA “Islamophobin” addresses the Islamphobia problem in the states. Samah also worked with the Sweden artist Maher Zain on his music video “Muhammad”about the love for the prophet Muhammad PBUH.

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